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Find Your Creative Buddy

Find Your Creative Buddy

We say that opposites attract. But we also say that the best relationships happen when people share similarities.

So which is true?

When it comes to creativity, the most rewarding thing is to find a ‘buddy’ whose creative talents complement yours.

Together you’ll achieve more!

But achievement isn’t everything...

Finding your creative buddy also gives you creative confidence.

The act of ‘being creative’ can feel quite daunting. So having someone by your side to lean on is immensely reassuring.

It’s such a relief to know you don’t have to be good at everything!

Simply focus on the things you do well, do the things you enjoy, and let your creative buddy
fill in the gaps.

You can form as many buddy ‘partnerships’ as you need. For example:

Stimulators enjoy generating ideas... So buddy up with a Sculptor who loves making them happen.

Spotters are good at finding the unpolished gems; Sculptors know how to turn them into diamonds that shine.

Selectors focus on the end destination; Supporters complement this by being concerned with the journey itself.

To find your buddy (or buddies) all you have to do is look around you...

• Who do you know in your professional and personal life?
• How are they creatively different to you?
• When can you add value to each other?
• Which specific tasks can you work on together?

It all starts and ends with people.

Knowing who to work with, on what and how, helps build rewarding relationships.