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Lack of Creative Confidence

Lack of Creative Confidence

Most of us don’t think we are creative.
When we don’t feel good at something, we shy away from it. It’s a vicious circle: the less creative we feel, the less creative we are.

The good news is: We are ALL creative!
Human beings have the ability to imagine... and to act on this imagination. That’s one of the things that makes us unique.

And if you think ‘being creative’ is just about coming up with ideas or being able to draw, then the second bit of good news is, creativity is about much more than that!

Reflection Questions

Reflection Questions

Take a moment to reflect on these four questions. Think about yourself at work as well as outside of work.

If the answer is YES to just one of them, then you are indeed creative!

Your challenge is simply to discover HOW you are creative... to find your hidden superpowers and not least, to start believing in and using them.

We are ALL creative, in different ways.



Creativity is much more than simply generating ideas.

Your Creative ID shows where your inherent creative strengths lie and what unique skills you bring to the table.

By knowing this, not only will you understand how you are creative, you will also boost your creative confidence.