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Lack of Managerial Support

Lack of Managerial Support

Even in today’s world, where disruptive business models and strong ecosystems can create bottom- up change, managers still set the tone for others to follow.

If people look to you for direction, it’s important you understand what creativity is and value it as a driver of growth. You need to know how to foster a creative culture and be fully committed to supporting those around you to make it happen.

Creativity only flourishes when it is more than just a management buzzword or training initiative, and instead starts to become a mindset that permeates everything.

Reflection Questions

Reflection Questions

Take a moment to reflect on these three questions. Think about them with your direct manager in mind, as well as other managers you work with.

If the answer is NO to any of them, then think about why this is. Ask yourself what the specific issues are and how you might be able to address them.

If the answer is YES to all of them, then you know ‘lack of managerial support’ is not a problem that affects you.

Sculptors & how they are affected

Sculptors & how they are affected

When shaping up ideas, Sculptors need continuous feedback from their managers and other people with know-how, to ensure the ideas are as good and as fit for purpose as they can be.

The devil often lies in the detail, and even small tweaks can potentially have a big impact.

Selectors & how they are affected

Selectors & how they are affected

Selectors enjoy making decisions.

These decisions should be made in the context of a bigger strategic picture, which is why it is important that this picture is clear and constant.

If the senior levels in the organisation change the goal posts, it makes it hard for Selectors to score a goal.

Supporters & how they are affected

Supporters & how they are affected

Supporters spend significant amounts of energy supporting those around them, which can be draining.

And because they are notoriously bad at asking for support themselves, to be able to continue ‘giving’, it is essential that their managers fuel them with the encouragement needed.