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Meet the Psychologist

Meet the Psychologist

Since 2008, we've been collaborating with
Dr Kamal Birdi from the Institute of Work Psychology, University of Sheffield.

He has helped us develop a robust psychometric instrument to assess an individual’s creative preferences.

Kamal is a Chartered Occupational Psychologist with over 25 years’ experience. He is an expert in creativity in the workplace and has published articles on this topic in various journals including Journal of Creative Behavior, R&D Management and International Journal of Innovation Management.

Our University Partner

Our University Partner

Our partnership with the University of Sheffield has extended to sponsoring MSc students completing their final year thesis.

Through this programme, we have been able to continuously broaden our knowledge by diving into auxiliary topics such as barriers to creativity as well as the fit between the five creative styles and different job functions.

All these studies have been conducted in close connection with our clients such as Diageo, GSK, Kellogg, Vodafone, News UK, Groupe Bel etc.