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Sculptors & how they collaborate with others

Sculptors & how they collaborate with others

Sculptors thrive in the world of the tangible.
They love making ideas happen and are good at transforming fussy thinking into something concrete others can grab hold of.

When collaborating, the storytelling skills of a Sculptor can be used to align stakeholders behind a compelling vision.

If you hit a hurdle, go to a Sculptor and they will enjoy helping you find a way around it.

Sculptors & Stimulators

Sculptors & Stimulators

Sculptors make Stimulators’ initial thoughts tangible by building them into fully formed ideas.

Stimulators inject Sculptors with fresh thinking and new perspectives if they get stuck when implementing ideas.

Sculptors & Spotters

Sculptors & Spotters

Sculptors add detail, shape and tangibility to the early outlines of ideas that Spotters uncover.

Spotters pinpoint the early vision of an idea that provides Sculptors with an initial outline they can build on.

Sculptors & Selectors

Sculptors & Selectors

Sculptors add value to Selectors by finding ways of improving the weaker elements of an idea to reach the best possible solution.

Selectors can tell Sculptors when the optimal ‘shape’ of an idea has been reached, so they don’t keep polishing things up.

 Sculptors & Supporters

Sculptors & Supporters

Sculptors help Supporters manage ambiguity by making ideas tangible as early as possible within the project journey.

Supporters are good at motivating Sculptors when things start to get detailed and opinions begin to differ.