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 Clear Criteria

Clear Criteria

Make sure you’re clear about the criteria you’re basing your decisions on. Two or three overarching criteria are better than a long list of stuff. Always make them explicit. It aids alignment and avoids different people end up assuming different things.

Fast- Forward

Fast- Forward

When you’re presented with different options, focus on the implications of those options rather than the options themselves. To do this, fast-forward into the future and imagine the implications of each one. Then make your decision based on these implications

‘Both And’ Mindset

‘Both And’ Mindset

Usually we feel we have to choose between ‘either’ this ‘or’ that. But sometimes a smarter way of choosing is by adopting a ‘both and’ mindset. This will help you reach alternative and often better outcomes.

 Head versus Heart

Head versus Heart

When making decisions, actively consider the value both your head and your heart add. Your head provides you with a logical and rational point of view, whereas your heart can balance this out with an intuitive emotional feeling.

My Money

My Money

To create clarity of mind when making decisions, think about what you would do if you had to invest your own hard-earned cash in pursuing the options available to you.