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Spotlight on the 5 Styles

Spotlight on the 5 Styles

There is no such thing as a good or a bad Creative ID - and all five styles are equally important.

However when it comes to leading for creativity, your Creative ID can be more or less ‘fit for purpose’.

As a leader, the two most important styles are the Supporter and the Selector – they are the core creative leadership styles.

The other three (the Stimulator, Spotter and Sculptor) can also play a part in role modelling behaviours that need boosting across the organisation and/or within the team.

Supporters & how they lead for creativity

Supporters & how they lead for creativity

Of the five styles, the Supporter is the most critical one when it comes to leading for creativity.


Because Supporters are the ones who create a constructive environment, bring people together and get the best out of them so they can achieve their goals.

As a leader, it's important you focus on and value these ‘softer’ skills as the means of reaching hard hitting results.

Selectors & how they lead for creativity

Selectors & how they lead for creativity

The second most important style needed when leading for creativity is the Selector.

This is because Selectors are good at setting priorities and making decisions that determine the outcome. They tend to keep the bigger picture in mind, making sure the overall strategy and the complexities of the business are not forgotten.

As a leader, it’s important you know when and how your Selector mindset is needed; and equally, when it’s not!

Stimulators & how they lead for creativity

Stimulators & how they lead for creativity

If your organisation needs to step-change its business model or create transformational growth, then leading the way by role modelling Stimulator behaviours is essential.

Stimulators are mavericks who love turning things on their head. They challenge the status quo and reinvent how things are done. By demonstrating this mindset, you give others permission to stretch themselves beyond the obvious.

The main thing to be mindful of, is to give your team reassurance that change is not just for change’s sake, but that there is reason behind it.

Spotters & how they lead for creativity

Spotters & how they lead for creativity

Spotters excel as leaders when their role involves outlining future visions, or when their teams have to identify opportunities to ensure the business is ahead of the curve.

Spotters know how to make intuitive leaps and pinpoint the nuggets that may contain something powerful. By role modelling this mindset, you demonstrate that starting from a vague thought is good when pursuing a future-focused path.

The most important thing, is to try your hardest to express the things you see, and the connections you make, in ways that enable others to follow your feelings.

Sculptors & how they lead for creativity

Sculptors & how they lead for creativity

Sculptor style leaders are good at rallying the troops behind a given strategy to make it happen. Sculptors create commitment and alignment, thanks to their ability to paint a compelling picture that others are excited to follow.

If the business is on a journey of change, Sculptors can take the helm so the ship can sail swiftly in the right direction.

It’s important you make sure you always maintain a clear view of the bigger picture and don’t get sucked into the details.