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Make it Visual

Make it Visual

Create an ‘Incident Wall’ displaying all the information and inspiration you’ve found. By making all the things buzzing around in your head visible, you’ll suddenly see new things.

Quiet Time

Quiet Time

Remove distractions and give yourself plenty of quiet time to immerse yourself deeply in a topic. By doing this, you’ll allow your mind to absorb, digest and marinate all the inputs, which lead to new discoveries.

Forced Connections

Forced Connections

Don’t stop once you’ve seen the obvious connections. Push yourself to keep going and even try to connect the dots in silly or controversial ways. This will help you discover both more and very different solutions.

Twilight Zone

Twilight Zone

There are two moments in your day when your subconscious mind is more likely to rise to the surface so you can benefit from its magic...
... when you’re about to fall asleep
... and when you’re waking up.
It’s the perfect excuse to stay 5 minutes longer in bed!

Gut Feeling

Gut Feeling

Actively listen to what your intuition is telling you. Intuitive feelings might not be easy to prove, but they tend to be rooted in a lifetime of experiences. Your gut feeling gives you a competitive advantage when spotting potential.