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Spotters & how they collaborate with others

Spotters & how they collaborate with others

Spotters are very intuitive and in tune with their subconscious mind. This helps them notice things other people miss.

When collaborating, Spotters are great at making surprising connections and pinpointing early stage potential in the tiniest of titbits.

Their radar is always on, yet finding the golden nuggets doesn’t happen on command, so give them the time they need to mull things over.

Spotters & Stimulators

Spotters & Stimulators

Spotters filter the outputs Stimulators generate by connecting random thoughts and pinpointing emerging ideas.

Stimulators provide the fertile feeding ground that Spotters use to discover ideas and new connections.

Spotters & Sculptors

Spotters & Sculptors

Spotters pinpoint the early vision of an idea that provides Sculptors with an initial outline they can build on.

Sculptors add detail, shape and tangibility to the early outlines of ideas that Spotters uncover.

Spotters & Selectors

Spotters & Selectors

Spotters provide a contextual vision based on underlying principles which helps Selectors frame their decision-making.

Selectors add logic and reasoning to the intuitive ‘finds’ of the Spotter and help filter them down to the best ones.

Spotters & Supporters

Spotters & Supporters

Spotters outline the principles and vision which Supporters can use as their compass when guiding the team.

Supporters are good at pointing out the value Spotters add to the journey, which can otherwise go unnoticed.