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Beyond the Obvious

Beyond the Obvious

Our brains usually gravitate towards what feels familiar... the ‘Now & Normal’. To push your thinking, actively look for the ‘Weird & Wonderful’ instead. By doing that, you’ll feed your brain with fresh stimuli and ideas.

The Post-It Challenge

The Post-It Challenge

Next time you need to solve a particular problem, set yourself the challenge of generating at least 10 solutions a day for an entire week. Write each solution on a post-it note and stick them up where you can see them.

Steal with Pride

Steal with Pride

You’re rarely the first person to tackle the problem you’re facing. Think about a company, brand or individual beyond your usual comparative set, who has cracked a similar issue. Be inspired by what they did and steal their solutions with pride.

Walk n Talk

Walk n Talk

Ask a friend or colleague to join you for a ‘Walk n Talk’ with the purpose of them feeding you with thoughts and ideas. Tell them what you want their input on and then literally let things flow as you walk around the block or in the park.

Virtual Brain Picking

Virtual Brain Picking

In the virtual world, people are more than happy to provide you with their opinions! Use the opportunity to pick their brains for useful ideas. Create a post on Facebook or LinkedIn stating your challenge and ask for their solutions.

 Digital Deep Dive

Digital Deep Dive

Getting lost on the internet can be a waste of time. But it can also be an amazing source of inspiration. Give yourself 1 hour to search with a particular purpose in mind. It’s OK to take detours from that purpose... you never know what will pop up around the virtual corner.