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Learning Journey

Learning Journey

Trying to get things right first time instils a fear of failure that stifles creativity. Instead acknowledge that you’re on a learning journey, expect it to be a bumpy ride, and celebrate each hiccup as progress on the path to your end destination.

Human Signpost

Human Signpost

Most people tend to focus on ‘what’ they’re doing. But ‘how’ it is done is equally important. Become a valuable ‘human signpost’ by actively taking responsibility for leading the structure of meetings and directing the flow of how things are done.

The Voice of the How

The Voice of the How

‘What’ we do feels concrete. ‘How’ we do it feels intangible. It’s much harder to be aware of and relate to things that are intangible. An easy way to make the ‘how’ more tangible is to give it a voice by simply verbalising our actions.

Elephant in the Room

Elephant in the Room

When there is an obvious problem or a contentious topic that everyone is aware of but nobody wants to talk about, make it your job to get it out in the open. It’s the only way to deal with it (elephants can’t be brushed under the carpet anyway!)

 Constructive Conflict

Constructive Conflict

We tend to shy away from conflict. But tension can sometimes lead to a better creative outcome. Make it your job to manage conflict so it becomes a springboard that gets everyone to a better place.