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Time Pressure

Time Pressure

The biggest ‘excuse’ for not being creative is time pressure. Lack of time simply gets in the way of creativity.

But our world is spinning at an ever faster pace so time will continue to be a barrier to creativity.

The key to addressing this is to stop using lack of time as an excuse for not being creative, and instead to use creativity as a tool to relieve you of the pressures of time.

Top Tip #1

Top Tip #1

Things often take longer than they should because we’re in the wrong mindset to perform a particular task.

Stop slavishly following your To Do list.
Instead follow your energy!

Ask yourself: "What task do I feel like doing next?"
Then do it...

When following your natural energy flow, you tend to do things faster. And you do them better!

Top Tip #2

Top Tip #2

Some tasks just need doing.

To stop procrastinating and help you 'get on with it', try increasing time pressure by setting a time limit for completing a particular task.

For example: Tell yourself to finish something in just 30 minutes. And set a stop clock.

Setting tight time slots is often more effective than setting deadlines.

Top Tip #3

Top Tip #3

Some tasks need deep and thorough thinking. Others are quick and easy.

Split your To Do list into two, separating the quick and easy tasks from the time-consuming ones.

Keep your 'quick & easy' list on hand at all times. So whenever you have 5 minutes spare, (maybe waiting for a conference call to start), tick off as many of these tasks as you can.

Stimulators & how they are affected

Stimulators & how they are affected

Stimulators are adversely affected by time pressure because their creative ‘magic’ lies
in exploring a diverse range of ideas and solutions.

They like to turn over every stone possible and when they don’t have time to do this, they end up feeling frustrated and demotivated.

 Spotters & how they are affected

Spotters & how they are affected

Spotters are impacted by time pressure because they rely on their subconscious to make connections and spot the beginnings of something powerful.

Spotters should not be put on the spot.
They need time to let everything sink in so their subconscious mind can ‘marinate’ all the inputs they’ve been exposed to.